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North Andover Reads Fall 2021: Home

North Andover Reads Fall 2021 "First Neighbors, Still Neighbors"


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345 Main Street
North Andover, MA


Welcome to North Andover Reads Fall 2021!

North Andover Reads is a joint effort of the Stevens Memorial Library and the North Andover School District. Each year, books, programs, exhibits and more are chosen around a particular theme and highlight our R.A.I.S.E. initiative. This year North Andover Reads recognizes and celebrates our first neighbors, who are still our neighbors: the Indigenous Peoples. Through reading and talking, we hope to gain knowledge, leading to both empathy and respect.


Please join us. Everyone is welcome to read, attend a program, and visit exhibits. 

Thank you to the Mass Cultural Council for sponsoring programs for North Andover Reads.

Town of North Andover Proclamation

In 2018, the Town of North Andover Put out a proclamation that recognized Indigenous Peoples' Day.

"Be It Further Resolved that Indigenous Peoples' Day shall be used to reflect upon the ongoing struggles of indigenous people on this land to celebrate the thriving culture and value that indigenous nations add to our Town"